While keeping to the traditional story line, this inventive adaptation sets the story in Bolivia and Argentina. The tale begins with Pinocchio as a real boy in the throes of a nightmare where he is being chased by a giant shark. His cries awaken the other puppets that are sleeping on the shelf in Gepetto’s workshop. He is afraid that he is still a puppet, but they assure him that he is indeed a real boy and help him remember all of the adventures that he went through to become one.
Professional Cast members include Gus Knapp (Gepetto) and Lenny Mendez (The Blue Fairy). Gus has appeared in past Learning Theater productions of Oliver Twist, Peter Pan and Wendy, Alice in Wonderland, The Adventures of Mr. Toad, The Princess and the Goblin, and The Snow Queen. He appeared in Creative Cauldron’s professional productions as The Wizard/Professor Marvel in The Wizard of Oz, and the Ensemble cast of Christmas Cabin of Carnaween. Lenny Mendez, Creative Cauldron’s new bi-lingual Associate Artist appeared in Monarch: A Mexican-American Musical. Additional Creative Cauldron credits include Audrey, The Snow Queen, Ichabod: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The Christmas Angel, and The Princess and the Goblin. She recently appeared in Picasso and Native Gardens at Gala Hispanic Theater and previously at Gala in Prom Night. Other recent credits include: Natalie in The Proposal! Workhouse Arts Center, Objects May Appear Spookier (Recent Cutbacks NYC).
The role of Pinocchio the puppet will be played by June Tuss and the role of Pinocchio the real boy will be played by Marie Solander. The ensemble will be made up by Andrea Valenzuela, Sophie Silva, Emma Howell, Bibi Barba, Hanna Courtney, Ava Bitici, Peyton Beauchemin, Syra Shah, Isla Bitici, Sasha Courtney, Sarah O’Halloran, Ella Harvey, Lillian Henderson, Isabella Silverman, Emerson Thiebert, Zoe Folse-Sibert, Allison Harman, Madeline Varho, Aida Gibson, Kelso Hunt, Miles Weiss, Cora Brock, Arthur Bitici, Alec Goldenberg, Henry Gill, Emre Silva, Whit Jenkins, Emerson Kelleher, Nola Folse-Sibert, Diana Alison, and Cora Brock.
The Adventures of Pinocchio/Las Aventuras de Pinocho is directed by Founding Artistic Director Laura Connors Hull, Artistic Associate Lenny Mendez, and Matt Conner. All the original music in the show was written by Helen Hayes Award winner and resident composer, Matt Conner, and lyrics were written by Stephen Gregory Smith. Together they have written 6 original musicals for professional casts under Creative Cauldron’s “Bold New Works for Intimate Stages” initiative and the music for over 20 Learning Theater Productions. Also on the Creative Team are Margie Jervis, Creative Cauldron’s Resident Scenic and Costume Designer. Margie is a two-time Arts Fairfax Strauss Award-winning artist, whose designs for both professional and Learning Theater productions at Creative Cauldron have been amazing audiences for the past 13 years. She is joined by Lighting Designer and Projection Designer James Morrison. Nicholas Goodman is the Stage Manager and Lorien Jackson and Ben Graham are Assistant Stage Managers.